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Development of Infrastructure for Cultivating Defense Industry

Adoption and Operation of Testing Equipment

Project objective

Construction of drone-specialized defense testing and evaluation infrastructure and creating an ecosystem designed to support testing and evaluation to facilitate the entry of Daejeon companies into the defense market

Promotion schedule
  • Eligibility 

     : Small and medium-sized enterprises in Daejeon related to defense and drones

  • Support provided  

    This table explains the classification and support details.
    Category Support details
    Equipment establishment
    and utilization support
    • Establishment of drone-specialized defense environment and reliability testing and evaluation equipment

      • Operation of infrastructure fulfilling company needs based on demand surveys for defense (drone) companies

      • Plans for the establishment of new testing equipment

    Technical support
    • Support for drone-specialized testing and evaluation to revitalize the defense industry

      • Technical support using existing equipment owned by KCL

      • Discovery of parts needed for drone-specialized defense demand

      • Joint development of testing and evaluation methods required by companies in the defense drone sector

      • Technical support for reliability verification of drone products, components, and materials under environmental simulation and real-world conditions

      • Performance evaluation, analysis of test results, and technical consulting

    User procedure
    • Preliminary consultation with KCL project managers

      • Reliability center : Park Jin-hwak(jh2348@kcl.re.kr)

      • Reliability center : Seo youngju(syj2015@kcl.re.kr)

  • Project period 

     : December, 2022 to December, 2026 (approximately 49 months)

  • Project budget 

     : Total of 9.5 billion KRW (entirely national funds)

  • Executing agencies 

     : Daejeon Technopark(lead organization), Korea Conformity Laboratories(participant)

  • Main content 

    • Testing equipment requirement analysis and establishment : Conducting demand surveys and feasibility analysis for drone-related testing and evaluation

    • Requesting feasibility analysis and introduction evaluation (→ Korea Research Institute for defense Technology planning and advancement), purchasing and establishing testing equipment (within the comprehensive support center)

    • Support for local companies in utilizing testing equipment by leveraging established equipment (operation and management)

    Testing equipment
    introduction procedure
    • Demand survey Executing agencies
    • Feasibility analysis Executing agencies
    • Review of survey
      and analysis results
      Project group
    • Review for
      introduction of testing
      Project group
    • Purchase of
      testing equipment
      Executing agencies
Testing equipment (Introduction expectation)
  • Drone testing environmental chamber
  • Drone internal airflow testing equipment
  • Drone motor thrust tester
  • Fuel cell electronic load testing
  • Fuel cell durability testing
Project activities
This table explains the demand survey for testing equipment and expert meetings.
Testing equipment demand survey
  • Target : 103 drone-related enterprises, universities, etc., nationwide / July 4, 2023 to August 22, 2023

  • Methodology : Mixed-method based on structured questionnaires via email, in-person, and phone

  • Survey content : Company status, applicable established equipment, equipment utilization rate

Expert meetings
  • Drone company meetings and discussions on business support measures : Dusitech and 9 other companies

  • Defense drone technology exchange meeting : September 19, 2023